Who Inspires Us
@GaryVee is someone who has inspired us to connect with people online and to focus on building real relationships.
We designed our coffee house to be a research and development lab for entrepreneurship. As a reminder for the daily grind (no pun intended), we started wearing Gary's shoes (through a collaboration with K-Swiss) on a daily basis.
We started wearing white Gary Vee 003 shoes three months after we opened our doors (on 8/11/18). Six months after we opened (on 11/11/18), we swapped them out for the Gary Vee 003 limited-edition “Dark Cloud” shoes. The clouds (blue stripes on the shoes) are the high-end philosophy of what you believe. The dirt (brown stripes) is the low-down subject matter expertise that allow you to execute against it.
As of February 2020, we are wearing Gary's 5th shoe (GV005).
Patrick Bet-David and his YouTube channel Valuetainment have been amazing resources for us when it comes to learning about business.
Tom Bilyeu and Impact Theory (on YouTube) have given us an opportunity to explore the human experience in deeper ways. Entrepreneurship is such a mindset game, and we want to learn how to best position ourselves as we grow as leaders.